Wound care is a vital part of today’s healthcare offerings. Earning your wound care certification can go a long way to helping you earn CEUs for your continuing education. Whether you are working toward becoming a wound care specialist for a skilled nursing facility or you are in private practice, a wound care certification course is a vital first step in providing this level of care.
At SNF Wound Care, we developed a wound care certification course based on years of daily clinical experience and will help prepare healthcare professionals to perform at the highest level of care in all settings.
The wound care certification course at SNF Wound Care is available to Registered Nurses as well as Licensed Vocational/Practical Nurses. Upon completion of this course, you will receive 30 CEUs, a digital certificate, and a physical ID card. In order to complete this course, you must score 70 percent or better during your final exam.
When you complete our certification course, you will be ready to become a wound care specialist for a skilled nursing facility in a variety of settings. The wound care certification is nationally recognized and is approved nationwide by the Board of Registered Nursing as well as the Board of Vocational/Practical Nursing. You can rely on the credentials you earn in our course in all fifty states. No matter where you are practicing, our wound care certification course can help bolster your career and give you the resources you need to continue your success.
Wound care is becoming an increasingly vital part of nursing. As the population in nursing homes increases, wound care is expected to increase with it. There is a growing demand for professionals who can offer wound care services and earning your wound care certification is your first step towards completing this education.
Get in touch with us today to learn more about our wound care certification course or sign up on our website!